PTA General Meeting 2019-2020.jpg

What is a PTA?

PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association, a school-based organization with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Parents of students work together with teachers to volunteer in classes, raise money for school supplies, and generally support the school's efforts.

The main role of the local PTA is to build strong working relationships among parents, teachers and schools, in support of students. This can include recruiting and coordinating volunteers, providing special recognition in awards ceremonies or through other activities, organizing parent education events, planning teacher appreciation activities and much more.

Welcome ALL!

YOU are an important part of our vibrant, diverse community. Please join us in making sure every student, family, and teacher feel welcome and supported at San Miguel Elementary. 

We believe that everyone has something to contribute, whether through time, talent, monetary contributions, or an idea of how we can best serve our community. 

We invite you to partner with us in this work by becoming a member of the San Miguel PTA or renewing your annual membership today.

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How does the PTA support all children?

Community building

  • On-campus events such as the Winterland Dance, the Walkathon Fundraiser, and the Multicultural Festival

  • Dine out nights


  • Membership to state and national PTA

  • Recent advocacy efforts at state level on funding for public schools, against flavored tobacco products and more

  • Recent advocacy efforts at local level for net zero emissions and accuracy in teaching slavery

Equitable Enrichment

We help coordinatie and contribute financial scholarships for equitable access to:

  • Field trips

  • Assemblies

  • Reflections

  • After school programs (like art, robotics and theatre)

  • Band

  • Theatre