The calendar below lists all opportunities to participate in PTA fundraising events that contribute to enrichment for our learning community. For more detail, see the sections below.
Recaudación de fondos de la minisesión de fotos familiares de San Miguel
Esta es una oportunidad única para ayudar a nuestra escuela y tomar hermosas fotos familiares tomadas por el fotógrafo y artistas profesional. Estos son ideales para tarjetas navideñas, regalos o simplemente para capturar a su familia en este momento. Regístrese para una mini sesión y pague en la oficina de la escuela para reservar su lugar. Una parte de las ganancias se destina a la PTA de San Miguel para ayudar a pagar excursiones, útiles escolares y becas para programas de enriquecimiento. Se proporcionarán más detalles la semana del evento. Los espacios son limitados y se llenarán rápidamente, así que consulte la página del sitio web para obtener más detalles y regístrese de inmediato.
Efectivo o cheque pagadero a San Miguel Elementary PTA. Paga en la oficina de la escuela. Debes pagar por adelantado para reservar tu sesión.
Regístrese para el domingo 10/10 con Mary Bea Photography aquí. Envíe el pago en la oficina para reservar su lugar.
El trabajo del fotógrafo del sábado se puede encontrar aquí, . Envíe el pago en la oficina para reservar su lugar e inscríbase aquí.
San Miguel Family Photo Mini-Session Fundraiser
This is a unique opportunity to help our school and take beautiful family photos taken by local professional photographers. These are great for holiday cards, gifts, or just to capture your family at this moment in time. Sign up for a mini-session and pay at the school office to reserve your spot. A portion of the proceeds goes to the San Miguel PTA to help pay for field trips, classroom supplies, and scholarships for enrichment programs. Further details will be provided the week of the event. Spaces are limited will fill quickly so please see website page for details and sign up right away!
Cash or check payable to San Miguel Elementary PTA. Pay at school office. You must pre-pay to reserve your session.
Sign up for Sunday, 10/10 with Mary Bea Photography here. Please submit payment in office to reserve your spot.
The Saturday photographer’s work can be found here, Please submit payment in the office to reserve your spot and sign up here.
Muchas empresas locales igualan las donaciones, lo que aumenta la cantidad de apoyo que reciben nuestros estudiantes. Para comprobar si su empleador hace esto, marque aquí.
Many local companies match donations, increasing how much support our students receive. To check if your employer does this, check here.
Below are fundraisers that have passed but may come again. Let us know if you’d like to see more from any of our wonderful partners!
Panda Express - January 27th, 10am - 10pm
Kona Ice - December 4th
Preorder Kona ice OR Kona Kokoa to keep you warm while you’re picking up materials. Click here!
Holiday Silent Auction, November 30 - December 4th
Donations from the school community will be on display from 9am - 4pm in front of the multipurpose room.
100% of money supports our students and teachers with supplies to enhance their school experience.
Check out our proxy bid sheet (if you can not make it to bid in person) here: Proxy Bid Sheet
Come take a look and bid on something special to support our school!
Leigh’s Books/Bookasaurus - All November
All November: Support San Miguel when you shop at Leigh’s Favorite Books and Bookasaurus on Murphy St. in Downtown Sunnyvale. Just mention San Miguel at checkout! The local bookstore also carries books in Spanish including some specifically requested by members of our PTA for middle-level readers.
Leigh’s Favorite Books and Bookasaurus also carries books in Spanish including some specifically requested by members of our PTA for middle-level readers.
¡Agregamos el segundo día con otro excelente fotógrafo! Regístrese aquí para el domingo 11 de octubre, de 1 a 6 pm en Baylands Park. ¡Es un gran precio para las mini sesiones del Área de la Bahía! Esta es una recaudación de fondos muy popular para nuestra escuela, ¡así que regístrese ahora!
We added the second day with another excellent photographer! Sign up here for Sunday, October 11, 1-6pm at Baylands Park. It’s a great price for Bay Area mini-sessions! This is a very popular fundraiser for our school so sign up now!