PTA Reflections

Explore the Arts and Express Yourself

National PTA's Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life.

Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. This 50+ year-old program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.

2023-2024 Reflections Entries

¡Tengo Esperanza porque!

I am Hopeful Because!

<— Jessica Tulagan, 5th grade, Visual Arts

2022-23 Reflections Entries

¡Muestra tu voz!

Show Your Voice!

2021-22 Reflections Entries

Voy a cambiar el mundo por

I will change the world by


2020-21 Reflections

Students did a great job reflecting on the theme, “I Matter Because…” and received trophies!


2019 - 2020 Reflections

Last year we had over 20 students create art representing their personal journeys within. How impressive that our young people are finding creative outlets to express themselves!

Información general


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REFLECTIONS es un concurso de arte temático.

- Los ganadores a nivel local podrán competir a nivel del Consejo (a su vez, los galardonados pueden avanzar a nivel de Distrito, Estatal y finalmente Nacional).

- ¡Las obras de arte presentadas deben ser trabajos originales, creados e inspirados por la temática de este concurso! No está permitido enviar trabajos creados anteriormente con un propósito diferente. Además, escribir su nombre en la propia obra de arte va contra las reglas. (Recuerde escribir el nombre del estudiante SOLO en el formulario de inscripción. Las obras de arte que contengan el nombre del autor serán descalificadas, el jurado sólo evaluará obras de forma anónima.).

- Los estudiantes pueden enviar una o varias obras de arte, para una o varias de las categorías del concurso.

Hay 6 categorías de arte: Coreografía de danza, Producción cinematográfica, Literatura, Composición musical, Fotografía y Artes visuales

Y divisiones de 5 grados: Primaria: Preescolar-Grado 2, Intermedio: Grados 3-5, Escuela intermedia: Grados 6-8, Escuela secundaria: Grados 9-12, Artista especial: todos los grados

En caso de que una obra resulte galardonada a nivel de Consejo, Sexto Distrito y Estado de California, el estado requerirá que la pieza original se exhiba en la Convención de la PTA de California.

Asegúrese de conservar su obra de arte original hasta asegurarse si debe estar o no expuesta.

Envíe sus obras de arte originales antes de la fecha límite (viernes 15 de octubre)

REFLECTIONS is a theme-based art competition. 

- The schools' winners move up to Council for further judging (similarly, winners advance to District, State, & National). 

- The art must be created by the students as inspired by this theme! Students cannot submit re-purposed past work and should not write their name on the artwork; that violates the rules! (Entries with the student's names on are being disqualified during the blind judging. Students write their names only on the entry form.)

- Students can submit more than one entry for one or more of the art categories.

There are 6 art categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature         Musical Composition, Photography,                Visual Arts

And 5-grade divisions: Primary: Preschool-Grade 2, Intermediate: Grades 3-5, Middle School: Grades 6-8, High School: Grades 9-12, Special Artist: All grades

If a student's artwork wins at Council, Sixth District, and California State, the state will require the original piece for display at the California State PTA Convention.

Make sure to save your original artwork until you know for sure it will/will not be needed.

2022-2023 Reglas de categoría / Category Rules


Get the National PTA Reflections Coloring Book!

During difficult times emotions can run high. Art has always been an emotional outlet, especially for the youth. Introduce art in your home often, from large projects to simple coloring, and let your family express themselves.